windows 7 tips

Windows 7 Tips and Tricks.

Minimize all windows:
If you work with the multiple windows and you want minimize all the window except one that you're working shake your working window. It will minimize all other window except you shaking. You can also done this using keyboard shortcuts Windows key + Home.
Power Efficiency Report:
If you are using windows 7  in your laptop and you want to get more information about battery-life then use this trick.
1. Run a command prompt as an administrator. To do this, type cmd in search box, and when the cmd icon appears, right-click it and choose "Run as administrator".
2. At the command line, type in the following
powercfg -energy -output \Folder\Energy_Report.html
where \Folder represents the folder where you want the report to be placed.
3. For about a minute, windows7 will examine the behavior of your laptop. It will then analyze it and create a report in HTML format in the folder you specified. Double-click the file and you'll get a report.
Customize Shutdown button:
The default action of the Start Menus Shut down button is to "turn off" your PC. If you want to use the button for another action, such as restarting your PC, you click the arrow to the right of the Shut down button and select an action from the drop-down menu. 
What if you rarely Shut you PC down completely but frequently restart it? You can change the Shut down button's "default action" to be restart or Hibernate etc.,
To change your default, right-click the Start button and select Properties. On the Start Menu tab, click the "Power button action" drop-down menu and select which action you want to be the default. Then click OK, and OK again.
Use Checkbox to select files:
In order to select multiple files for an operation such as copying, moving or deleting in Windows Explorer, you generally use the keyboard and the mouse, Ctrl-clicking every file you want to select. 
But if you want to select them using check boxes then do these,
1. In Windows Explorer, click Organize and then select "Folder and Search options".
2. Click on the view tab.
3. In Advanced Setting, scroll down and check the box next to "Use check boxes to select items." Click Ok.
4. From now on, when you hover your mouse over a file in Windows Explorer, a check box will appear next to it, click it to select the file. Once a file is selected, the checked box remains next to it. If you uncheck it, the box will disappear when you move your mouse away. 
Set a New Explorer Lauch Window:
When you run Windows Explorer, it always open to the Libraries Folder. That's fine if you use Microsoft's default file organization, which designates Libraries as the overall container for your folders.
But what if you don't? You might prefer to have Windows Explorer open to Computer or any other folder you choose. Here's how to do it. 
1. Right-click the Windows Explorer icon on the taskbar, and then right-click the windows explorer icon from the context menu that appears and select Properties. The Windows Explorer properties dialog box appears.
2. You'll have to edit the Target field on the Shortcut tab of this dialog box in order to change the default location at which Explorer opens. 
If you want Explorer to open to a specific folder, simply enter the name of the folder, substituting your folder name for Folder, below, like this:
%windir%\explorer.exe c:\Folder
Eg: %windir%\explorer.exe c:\yourname.
 If you want Explorer to open to special, pre-set locations, such as Computer, you'll need to enter special syntax in the Target field. Following is a list of three common locations and the syntax to use, followed by the syntax for the Libraries folder in case you ever want to revert to the default.
Computer: %windir%\explorer.exe :: {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
My Documents: %windird%\explorer.exe :: {450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}
Network: %windir%\explorer.exe :: {208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
Libraries: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe
3. After you've changed the Target field, click OK. Next Time you launch Windows Explorer, it will open to the new location you given.
Speed up the display of thumbnails on the taskbar:
When you hover over the mouse in taskbar. It shows all the open windows in the thumbnail view. When you doing this there is a slight delay between show the thumbnails. You can speed up that using following trick.
1. Open the Registry Editor. Type regedit in the run and press Enter.
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control panel\Mouse.
3. Double-click MouseHoverTime. The default value you'll see is 400, which means 400 milliseconds. Type in a new, smaller value, 150 is a good bet. Then click OK and exit the Registry Editor. You'll have to restart you computer to see the effect.
 See taskbar thumbanils without a mouse:
If you mostly used keyboard rather than your mouse. Then here is a some simple keyboard shortcut to view taskbar thumbnails.
Press Windows key + T and you'll get the focus to the thumbnail of taskbar. You can move the focus by pressing Windows key + T continuously.
 Launch taskbar apps without a mouse:
You can also launch the taskbar apps without using a mouse. Press Windows key + 1 to open the first position of the application on the taskbar. Likewise you can open from first application  to nineth application using this shortcut
View Desktop without using mouse and without minimize folder:
If you want to view the desktop icons without minimize the folder you are open then click Window key + Spacebar which makes transparent view to the desktop.
 Show or hide the desktop:
Press Windows + D to toggle between the desktop.
 See your open folder in 3D view:
Press Windows + Tab to view the open folders in 3D representation.
Open Task Manager:
Press Windows + Shift + esc to open the task manager.
Or Rightclick the taskbar and select Start Task Manager.
Or open the Run command and type taskmgr and hit Enter.
Use custom shortcuts in sendto menu:
Send to option is used to easy access to your folders. If you want more option in the send to menu press Shift while right click on your files or icons.
If you want your shortcuts in sendto menu. Then type shell:sendto in the location bar.
And then place your shortcuts to your preferred folder in the above location. Now you click send to option you see your shortcut also.
Open start menu folder:
If you want to open the start menu folder and keep it clean by arranging them. Click the Start button and Right-click the All Programs in that menu Click Open. To open the start menu folder.

Disable Aero peek in windows 7:
If you want to disable the Aero peek then move your mouse to the bottom right corner and Right-click the show desktop area and then simple check the Peek at desktop then Aero peek will be disabled.

Open command prompt with right click menu:
If you want to open the command prompt window while Right-Click. Then hold down the Shift key and Right-Click on the desktop or the folder or icons and you can see the Open Command Window here option click that option to open the command prompt.
Add folders to the Favorite List:
If you want to add the folders to your Favorite list for the quick access of the folders then goto your specific folder you want to add it. And then Right-click the Favorite menu in the top left corner and select the option Add current location to Favorites.
If you want to add the files to your favorite list then open Windows Explorer and type C:\Users\[username]\Links in the location bar and hit Enter. 
Replace [username] with your computer username.
In that following folder drag the icon for the files you want add to the favorite list Or you can simply drag the folders or files directly into the favorite list on the top left corner.
 Hide your data in Notepad:
You can hide the secret data in your Notepad. If you want to do this open the command prompt by typing cmd in Run. Click Start > Run  and type cmd to open command prompt and then type 
Syntax: notepad filename:streamname. 
Eg: notepad sample.txt:secretfile.txt
Make sure that there is no space between colon(:). and then hit Enter. It shows Cannot find the file Do you want to create it? click yes.
and then type the data you want to hidden the file then save the file. If you open the file in the particular folder it does not show your data add your fake data to the file look like normal.
Note: You can read the content of the hidden file using command prompt only.
If you want to open the hidden text file. Open command prompt and type the following
Syntax: more < filename:streamname 
Eg: more < sample.txt:secretfile.txt
Make sure that you give the space between (<) Symbol and now you can see your hidden data.
 Change your Experience Index in windows 7:
If you want your system shows your computer as high performance. Then do the following.
Open the Windows Explorer and enter C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore in the location bar.
Now open the file that ends with Formal.Assessment(Initial).WinSAT. If there are more than one file than look at the date and select the most current one.
 and then Right Click the file and select edit, this will open it in Notepad.
Click on the edit menu and the select find. When the find dialog box opens type <WinSPR>, and click find next. Notepad will highlight the word that we need to edit starts. In here you can edit the following tags for the rating.
<SystemScore> to change the overall rating
<MemoryScore> to change the Memory(RAM) rating.
<CpuScore> to change the processor rating.
<GraphicsScore> to change the Graphics rating.
<GamingScore> to change the Gaming Graphics rating
<DiskScore> to change the Primary Hard Disk rating.
Save the file on your desktop and don't rename it. Now cut the file from your desktop and paste it in C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore you will be need to provide Administrative Credentials. then click continue to provide access.
After you have pasted click System Properties in My Computer to see your rating. If you want to reset it to true values then follow the below steps.
Click System Properties in My Computer and then it open click Windows Experience Index

it opens the dialog box in that click Re-run the assessment. To view your original performance.
Please remember that this trick will not actually increase your System Performance. It just show only the fake.
 Randomly Rename file in the Folder:
If you want to rename all the files with random names in the directory. Copy the below code Open the Notepad and paste the code and then save the file as JasonFaulkner.bat or yourname.bat and then paste the created bat file in the directory you want to rename the files and then DoubleClick  the .bat file it shows the message in Command Prompt type OK and then Press Enter. 

REM Randomly renames every file in a directory.

SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion

REM 0 = Rename the file randomly.
REM 1 = Prepend the existing file name with randomly generated string.
SET PrependOnly=0

REM 1 = Undo changes according to the translation file.
REM This will only work if the file "__Translation.txt" is in the same folder.
REM If you delete the translation file, you will not be able to undo the changes!
SET Undo=0

//Coding here
SET TranslationFile=__Translation.txt

IF NOT {%Undo%}=={1} (
REM Rename files
ECHO You are about to randomly rename every file in the following folder:
ECHO %~dp0
ECHO A file named %TranslationFile% will be created which allows you to undo this.
ECHO Warning: If %TranslationFile% is lost/deleted, this action cannot be undone.
ECHO Type "OK" to continue.
SET /P Confirm=
IF /I NOT {!Confirm!}=={OK} (
ECHO Aborting.

ECHO Original Name/Random Name > %TranslationFile%
ECHO ------------------------- >> %TranslationFile%

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /A:-D /B') DO (
IF NOT %%A==%~nx0 (
IF NOT %%A==%TranslationFile% (
SET Use=%%~xA
IF {%PrependOnly%}=={1} SET Use=_%%A

ECHO %%A/!NewName!>> %TranslationFile%

RENAME "%%A" "!NewName!"
) ELSE (
ECHO Undo mode.
IF NOT EXIST %TranslationFile% (
ECHO Missing translation file: %TranslationFile%
FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%A IN (%TranslationFile%) DO RENAME "%%B" "%%A"
DEL /F /Q %TranslationFile%
Note: While renaming the file it generate the __Translation.txt file in that file you can find your original name and the random names. Its been a good idea to backup your file before running the .bat file.

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